Dom marionetek

Natasza Socha

Beauty, mystery, and a thick web of
intrigue. A moving story about violence,
revenge, and how easy it is to turn
someone ele’s life into a living hell.

Selling Points
 A bestselling author, one of the most
significant writers of genre fiction in
 A multi-voice study of psychological
violence, manipulation, and a closed circle
of schemes and machinations.
 A captivating story, suspenseful from
the first page to the last. An atmospheric landscape: moody
autumn and winter deep in the country,
far removed from the world.
 An original story following many
threads – a multi-dimensional novel about
harm and revenge.
 A sharply painted psychological portrait.
 The author engages with important
social issues in her novels – in this one, she
addresses long-term, subtle (and therefore
rarely noticed) psychological violence
taking within the family.

Joanna, a young woman who has just
experienced a painful divorce, and is in
need of rest and recovery, accepts a job
as an au pair on the other side of Poland.
An elegant estate, a gorgeous home,

and a charming, cultured employer – or
so Leon first appears, the man whose
young stepdaughter is to be her charge.
Everything seems perfect, but an air
of secrecy lingers about the estate.
The people there – Leon’s wife, sister, and
mother – live in a state of tension that is
difficult to describe. Each of the women,
all seemingly ordinary, is struggling with
serious issues. Personality disorders, fears,
eccentricities – Joanna discovers them one
at a time, quickly realizing that she has not
found herself in a normal, peaceful home.
It turns out that Leon, like a spider in
the center of its web, controls the lives of
the other residents through sophisticated
forms of manipulation and psychological
violence. Will Joanna also be caught in
his snare? Or will she be able to unravel
the secrets that have been weighing on
everyone for years? One thing is certain:
in order to help the others, she must first
face her own demons.

Target Market
Readers of genre fiction.
Fans of psychological thrillers.
People interested in ambitious works of
genre fiction.

Release date: 2021
ISBN: 978-83-08-07416-9

Request manuscript

The House of Marionettes

Natasza Socha

Beauty, mystery, and a thick web of
intrigue. A moving story about violence,
revenge, and how easy it is to turn
someone ele’s life into a living hell.

Selling Points
 A bestselling author, one of the most
significant writers of genre fiction in
 A multi-voice study of psychological
violence, manipulation, and a closed circle
of schemes and machinations.
 A captivating story, suspenseful from
the first page to the last. An atmospheric landscape: moody
autumn and winter deep in the country,
far removed from the world.
 An original story following many
threads – a multi-dimensional novel about
harm and revenge.
 A sharply painted psychological portrait.
 The author engages with important
social issues in her novels – in this one, she
addresses long-term, subtle (and therefore
rarely noticed) psychological violence
taking within the family.

Joanna, a young woman who has just
experienced a painful divorce, and is in
need of rest and recovery, accepts a job
as an au pair on the other side of Poland.
An elegant estate, a gorgeous home,

and a charming, cultured employer – or
so Leon first appears, the man whose
young stepdaughter is to be her charge.
Everything seems perfect, but an air
of secrecy lingers about the estate.
The people there – Leon’s wife, sister, and
mother – live in a state of tension that is
difficult to describe. Each of the women,
all seemingly ordinary, is struggling with
serious issues. Personality disorders, fears,
eccentricities – Joanna discovers them one
at a time, quickly realizing that she has not
found herself in a normal, peaceful home.
It turns out that Leon, like a spider in
the center of its web, controls the lives of
the other residents through sophisticated
forms of manipulation and psychological
violence. Will Joanna also be caught in
his snare? Or will she be able to unravel
the secrets that have been weighing on
everyone for years? One thing is certain:
in order to help the others, she must first
face her own demons.

Target Market
Readers of genre fiction.
Fans of psychological thrillers.
People interested in ambitious works of
genre fiction.

Release date: 2021
ISBN: 978-83-08-07416-9